I thought I would share this video with you my brother John Higginbotham made. I’m always referring to our place as the compound and in this video you will see why. My brother has a helicopter and using GoPro’s he filmed our area. My nephew William Higginbotham is playing the piano, and later in the video my brother John is playing the guitar. I’m totally impressed and hope you will be too.
You can see my house around 1:10 in the video. He comes up from behind my barn and chicken coops and then flies over the house and the next house is his. When he flies over my parents house, they are surrounded by so many trees you can’t see much but he flies over comes over his pond and around the highway back around the other side of Dad’s property and you can then see his row of Bradford Pear trees.
To give you an idea of the layout of the land, I labeled this shot taken from his video.
Awesome video John, thanks for letting me share it.